Friday, December 21, 2012

Traffic and a project

Whee it was a busy busy day.  First up, a vexor gas mining, it was a quick kill -

A cloaked loki from Exhale. called me out on the kill - he was stalking the vexor and I got to it before he did.  Not only that, but I picked up the gas it dropped with a hauler.

Then while I was at work this happened - - drake pilot ran a site and came back to salvage, suddenly bombers got to him before my esteemed leader could do so.  Fortunately more explosions happened as 2 of said drake's corpmates decloaked and nabbed one of the bombers in return -

Getting home I did notice a tengu somewhere in system, updated PI and logged to catch some sleep.

On another note - I am starting a long term project that hopefully will see results in the next 2 years, a personal project as I'm not asking the rest of the corp to take up an undue burden.

1 comment:

  1. Bait drake was so bait drake. His corpies were cloaked around the site in an Arazu and a Falcon with Tengu backup outside the hole. Was fun to see random hunters go in for the kill when they salvaged. Was a surprise to everyone involved.
