Monday, July 23, 2012

do we get to use this as a tax writeoff?

Corp mates
From: Keldon Freeze
Sent: 2012.07.22 17:03
To: The Environmental Management Team,

As of this eve mail, most of the ships and some items that were in your station, have been cleared out. I thought I should nicely thank you for your donation. the tengus, especially the super faction fitted, and the super faction abaddon was sweet. Just as a forwarning for your next recruitment.... dont recruit people that you blow up. and if you do.... dont give them that much access to your goods.

fly safe and take this a a small set back. but learn from it. fare TEMT, it was a privilage working with you.

So he made off with a bunch of T1 ships, 2 tengu's, and 1 blingy abbadon while we were sleeping.  Our fault, we forgot to move those ships.  As for access, it's just very difficult to do anything in wormhole space without some access to shared resources, and a loss like this is just something that comes with the territory.  We'll continue to plow on, we've lived here for 3 years, we're not going to let this be more than a minor incident.

You win some, you lose some.

On the bright side I was contracted a fully fit Talos, that was certainly a nice surprise.  Thank you Kulper, that really did brighten my day.

I'm really irritated that Keldon/Kinovic stole the megathron we dedicated to Mike9091...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

fresh blood, and friendly faceshooting

Slade popped a drake a few days ago and promptly recruited the guy.  I'm reminded through him of all the new things you discover about wormhole space - keeps me from getting jaded about our little C2.

Today we had a C5 open up into our home within dscan of our towers.   The C5 in question belongs to Future Corps, part of the Sleeper Social Club alliance.  Joining their public channel resulted in an invite to a friendly 1 v 1, which I promptly lost.   Props to them for a fun fight, I would do it again.  I did tell the C5 residents that they had free passage to hisec for the duration of their connection with us.

Note to self -  I forgot to put smokes and booze in the cargohold of the brutix, gotta stock up.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

So Slade is off for a week or to on vacation, and has left me in charge.  Of Everything.  Which really helps as our last grav site popped (found out Lutra was mining semi-afk while we had 4 exits open, he's a lucky man), and I honestly don't feel like running combat anomalies.  Lutra is still hell-bent on becoming a mini-Chribba and building a rorqual inside the hole -.I don't know that we should, considering we aren't like many mining corps and have 3 hangers full of ore...

I've been enjoying the alliance tournament matches, I was happy to see two of my favorite goonswarm pilots in last weekends match.  I know Klann from the wormhole channel, and Dashmoo lived in our hole for a good amount of time while he was in chrome, going from wspace noob to his early pvp engagements.

I'm sitting on quite the stash of materials I need to ship to Jita, just waiting for a closer exit.