Monday, November 21, 2011

Nothing new at home today, other than those 4 grav sites that refuse to despawn.  Our fearless leader did catch a pair in one of the sites mining, a covetor and myrmidon attempting to shoot up the sleeper spawn.  He actually though the myrmidon might put up some resistance but nope.

We are keeping the exits closed for now.  Once the expansion hits we will be taking advantage of the reduced reanchoring times on POS modules to swap the tower from Gallente to Minmitar - the continued interdiction against oxytopes has caused the prices to rise over 300% over the past 2 months, and there is no telling how long the Goons will be able to maintain it - we know most Goonswarm pilots have a touch of ADD, but then, so do I.

I am looking forward to the next hulkageddon, those tend to drive some amount of hisec miners into the 'safe' confines of wormholes, which I can then take advantage of.

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