Wednesday, March 7, 2012

CSM7 endorsements

This will actually be quite a bit shorter than I had originally planned, but here goes.

Candidates that have my full endorsement plus one of my votes:

Hans Jagerblitzen will be getting one of my votes.  Before I even knew who Hans was, I have grown to respect him for his posts on the forums.  Hans primarily operates in lowsec and highsec, with lowsec being his primary focus.   I know very little about lowsec or the issues involved but lowsec needs a strong candidate.  Hans is an advocate for small-gang and solo fighting styles, rather than blog mechanics.  He also admits that he knows little about wormholes and nullsec, and I respect him for not wanting to meddle in things he knows little about.  Hans is also an active highsec industrialist, which I have been dabbling in on a  lowimpact basis.  While I may not agree with everything he says, I believe it is important to vote for someone who will benefit all of EVE, not just my little corner.  I do know that Hans has been a strong contributer to CSM6, despite not having a seat.  Hans has my full endorsement for CSM7.

Mike Azariah will get my vote and full endorsement.   I have long enjoyed his blog, his ability to get people together towards a common goal, andit will be fun to have a strong roleplay candidate.

Trebor Daehdoow will be getting a vote and endorsement.  Trebor has been quite active in the forums along with Hans, and somehow I popped up on his radar, as he personally eve-mailed me in support of his campaign.

Two Step is a natural vote, being primarily a wormholer.  Two Step has been instrumental for bringing wormhole issues to the table, as well as defending wormhole mechanics from being attacked by those who have never lived in one.   I will be sending a vote his way, as well as giving him my full endorsement.

The following have my endorsement, sadly I lack the votes needed to include them in the list above.

Kelduum Revaan is the current CEO of Eve University, where I had an alt for a couple of years.  I do not agree with everything Kelduum says, but we need a strong candidate with experience bringing in and retaining new players.

Seleene has strong ideas for industry to make life less of a clickfest.  Some very good ideas, +1 endorsement.

I did not list everyone, but the above candidates have my endorsement.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you guys can visit sometime. look up my writing too, BTW....
