Sunday, May 20, 2012

faction warfare

The changes to faction warfare coming with Inferno are interesting, and much needed in my opinion.  I never tried faction warfare, as it seemed hazardous for little reward before.  But with Susan Black and Hans posts on things....I am sorely tempted to try it out.

Other than Miilla using our system as a grand tour through all of hisec, things have been quiet in the home system.  I exported quite a large amount of PI last time we were in amarr space - I did not have time to sell it but it waits there for a day when I need a quick cash injection.  I finally trained up Jhared to interplanetary consolidation 5, as I've been using electrolytes faster than I can harvest so will need to setup on the other gas giant to harvest more.

There are times I've been tempted to take down the medium pos, as it's a faction pos and those are hard to find.  Moving everything will, to be blunt, be a bitch.  Still since I've noticed on the forums that there are people (thanks to Miilla twisting Slade's words) who have taken an interest in taking both of our towers down, that replacing it with a nonfaction tower might be a good idea.

It's been pretty much just Slade and I in the hole anyway lately, and as we don't actively recruit, I worry that we may in fact get evicted - the fact that we have not run into major resistance or been evicted already is parts good luck, and my CEO's silver tongue.

We've been here for ....what 3 years now?  Seems a rather long time, I know we've gotten used to our system, decorated and planted a little garden, yet still are ever watchful.  I may start moving some of the high value items that are not often used back out to hisec, just in case. 

One thing that we need to decide on - we've never kicked anyone from corp for inactivity.  We have corpmates who have not logged in for well over a year, some are still in the wormhole - do we move the stuff in those hangers as well?  Do we start giving more rights to existing corpmates to allow everyone to live in the large pos - and do we still need both towers? 

In Eve, one of the maxims to live by is 'Trust no one'.  By doing so, and not recruiting we've been dwindling our numbers down, as well as activity.   I feel that something needs to change, if only a little bit.


  1. My name is Slade Fox and I approve everything in this message.

  2. Slade is a dink. His silver tongue smells more like crap.
