Saturday, December 22, 2012

Jhared's space hardware

Scattered from time to time I see others posting about what they fly, so I'm going to occasionally post a tidbit here and there with what I fly, and the fittings.  Comments , critiques, and suggestions are welcome.

We will start with one of my oldest ships still in service, the Myrmidon.  As I was still less than a year old, being able to fit T2 tank/guns felt powerful at the time.

Myrmidon -

High slot-
6x 425mm Autocannon II

Mid slot -
3x Cap Recharger II
1x 10MN Microwarpdrive I
1x Stasis Webifier I

Low slot -
1x Damage Control II
1x Armor Thermic Hardener II
1x Armor Kinetic Hardener II
1x Armor Explosive Hardener II
1x Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
1x Medium Armor Repairer II

Rigs -
1x Medium Projectile Collision Accelerator I
1x Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
1x Medium Projectile Metastasis Adjuster I

Drones -
16x Hobgoblin I

I have recently refit the Myrm to replace 1 gun with a salvager, and 1 cap recharger with a web for ninja salvaging anomolies where the wrecks are not mine.  Otherwise it has remained pretty unchanged for the better part of 3 years.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Traffic and a project

Whee it was a busy busy day.  First up, a vexor gas mining, it was a quick kill -

A cloaked loki from Exhale. called me out on the kill - he was stalking the vexor and I got to it before he did.  Not only that, but I picked up the gas it dropped with a hauler.

Then while I was at work this happened - - drake pilot ran a site and came back to salvage, suddenly bombers got to him before my esteemed leader could do so.  Fortunately more explosions happened as 2 of said drake's corpmates decloaked and nabbed one of the bombers in return -

Getting home I did notice a tengu somewhere in system, updated PI and logged to catch some sleep.

On another note - I am starting a long term project that hopefully will see results in the next 2 years, a personal project as I'm not asking the rest of the corp to take up an undue burden.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Quick death

On my way to work I get a bit of news via text message on the phone -

Slade Fox :
  Just got killed by bubble outside the pos

Dammit I'm working
At least it was a cheap hauler :/
Slade Fox :
Yes. It was quite a surprise. They were maybe 300k off pos.  They must have seen me leave and waited.
Interesting. Wonder if they'll setup camp
Slade Fox :
They're gone. Came from the k162 one jump from dodixie.
And the killmails -
I had logged an hour first I didn't realise his pod goo got flushed until I was able to check the killboard.  A chance opportunity as we are careful when making planet goo runs.  Wormhole life is still the most unpredictable in Eve, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sudden activity

October was extremely quiet, no kills, and only 1 loss in lowsec.  November promises to be a far more exciting month, with 5 kills + 1 pod only 4 days in.  Slade has also reactivated our griefwatch killboard at - he was not happy with eve-kill.

Kill so far- killmail is a bit screwy and his pod Slade gets to pimpslap a salvager Frank nabbed an unfortunately empty hauler This guy was sitting at planet 2 moon 1 as his buddy was attempting to run a site in a tempest - we wanted the tempest but he kept warping out to recharge shields maybe?  This just happened while I was offline.

I haven't been too active due to a little thing known as Guildwars2, but as November seems to be getting busy I'll hopefully be able to get some more action.

Edit: A picture Slade took of the raven kill-

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The retriever that got away

Logged in well after hours today after seeing a single sleeper kill on the sensor net, retriever mining arkonor.  Bugger had stabs fitted, which is just as well since as he was leaving my futile attempts to point him, 2 drakes showed up.  I really don't think my proteus can take on 2 drakes at the same time, so it's just as well.

Bugger.  Scanning quickly removes dead signatures and brings up....4 exits.  Let's see where they lead.  First up is our regular hisec, since I don't know who is in system I'll pass on seeing where we are.  Second looks like an incoming C2 after consulting the databanks Penny provided.  The third signature has seemingly expired or collapsed by the time I warp in to get a visual, which leaves the fourth as our static C4.

It seems we have neighbors in the C2 who want to mine - seeing that I'm the only one on, I'll just head back to the tower and settle in for some sleep.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Procurer is a tough nugget

We've had a busy day today.  Slade killed a navy megathron and a retriever shortly before I logged in.  Strangely a procurer from the same corp as the mega started mining, we figured it was a trap.  Frank checked the hisec side, the mega's corp had a badger mk2 sitting outside of the exit.

I waited till the procurer dropped a can, bookmarked it and ran willy nilly off to the tower for a cheap ship to commence battle.  Now the procurer had left a sleeper in the site as it could permatank it with ease, so a bomber wouldn't work.....hmm refit here and there and grabbed my old standby myrmidon.

Warped in, got a point on the barge, popped his can and the sleeper wrecks he left (salvaged one of them) and started dropping rounds into his shields.  Getting through armor and Frank piped up that a slepnier and drake from the pilots corp showed up on the hole.  Slade saw them come inside, and they started warp to my location as the last sliver of hull vaporized from the barge.

Both hostiles landed just as I entered warp, maybe half a second too late to point me.  That is quite the adrenalin rush, and my first actual kill in ages.  20k damage, that barge is a tough one.

Soon after, both hostiles left, and an unrelated anathema and hurricane came in to presumeably scout.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

non-eve things...

I still exist, still have connection issues.  Many people have been badgering me to try out Guild Wars 2, I hesitate to plonk down money for a game I don't know that I'd enjoy.  I did get into the closed beta for Path of Exile, so that satisfies the D3 urge.

Monday, August 6, 2012

system offline

My connection to the internet has been flakey, so I have not really done anything of note that is risky.  On the other hand it allows me the time to go for a few rounds of disc golf each week, I have been trying to visit at least one new course each week.  We have several lovely 18-hole coursses in the area, as wekk as 9-hole courses.
I plan to visit them all eventually, even the ones that get terrible reviews.

Monday, July 23, 2012

do we get to use this as a tax writeoff?

Corp mates
From: Keldon Freeze
Sent: 2012.07.22 17:03
To: The Environmental Management Team,

As of this eve mail, most of the ships and some items that were in your station, have been cleared out. I thought I should nicely thank you for your donation. the tengus, especially the super faction fitted, and the super faction abaddon was sweet. Just as a forwarning for your next recruitment.... dont recruit people that you blow up. and if you do.... dont give them that much access to your goods.

fly safe and take this a a small set back. but learn from it. fare TEMT, it was a privilage working with you.

So he made off with a bunch of T1 ships, 2 tengu's, and 1 blingy abbadon while we were sleeping.  Our fault, we forgot to move those ships.  As for access, it's just very difficult to do anything in wormhole space without some access to shared resources, and a loss like this is just something that comes with the territory.  We'll continue to plow on, we've lived here for 3 years, we're not going to let this be more than a minor incident.

You win some, you lose some.

On the bright side I was contracted a fully fit Talos, that was certainly a nice surprise.  Thank you Kulper, that really did brighten my day.

I'm really irritated that Keldon/Kinovic stole the megathron we dedicated to Mike9091...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

fresh blood, and friendly faceshooting

Slade popped a drake a few days ago and promptly recruited the guy.  I'm reminded through him of all the new things you discover about wormhole space - keeps me from getting jaded about our little C2.

Today we had a C5 open up into our home within dscan of our towers.   The C5 in question belongs to Future Corps, part of the Sleeper Social Club alliance.  Joining their public channel resulted in an invite to a friendly 1 v 1, which I promptly lost.   Props to them for a fun fight, I would do it again.  I did tell the C5 residents that they had free passage to hisec for the duration of their connection with us.

Note to self -  I forgot to put smokes and booze in the cargohold of the brutix, gotta stock up.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

So Slade is off for a week or to on vacation, and has left me in charge.  Of Everything.  Which really helps as our last grav site popped (found out Lutra was mining semi-afk while we had 4 exits open, he's a lucky man), and I honestly don't feel like running combat anomalies.  Lutra is still hell-bent on becoming a mini-Chribba and building a rorqual inside the hole -.I don't know that we should, considering we aren't like many mining corps and have 3 hangers full of ore...

I've been enjoying the alliance tournament matches, I was happy to see two of my favorite goonswarm pilots in last weekends match.  I know Klann from the wormhole channel, and Dashmoo lived in our hole for a good amount of time while he was in chrome, going from wspace noob to his early pvp engagements.

I'm sitting on quite the stash of materials I need to ship to Jita, just waiting for a closer exit.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Fueling two towers

Fuel costs are increasing, Slade purchased 200 mil in fuel for the large tower which added...not as much time aas we would have liked.  We were near Amarr though so I jumped out and grabbed the 15k units of emergancy blocks I had stashed in Amarr and hauled it in.

I'm also running low on electrolytes, amazingly even with 2 gas giants on system.  I'll be reconfiguring my PI setup soon to drop the factory on p4 over to p2 and using an extra extracing slot.

Other than that, I almost miss having good neighbors in the hole - sure they brought trouble with them but it also added targets.

Edit:  Almost shot a blue - saw a ferox on dscan harvesting gas.  Got direction and distance, used Penny's method of pinpointing where the ferox was and warped in systems hot.  He warped off as I noticed I was targeting a blue.

Will need to keep in mind the ships Shockwave Innovations have an SWI prepended to the name.  They invited us onto a roam of our static C4 once we realised blue status, and then yep, connection dropped.   Really wish there was more of a choice in ISPs around here as the local monopoly is seemingly unable to resolve the issue of random connection drops.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Connection lost...

My internet connection has been rather spotty lately, and it's been bad enough that I have not been able to put any solid playtime into Eve.   Unfortunately Comcast has been unable to figure out what the heck is wrong with my service, and there are really no other choices in the area.

Broadband monopolies kinda suck.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Infrequent posting

I've been slacking off with posting, I know.   I just have not been spending much time active in game, many apologies.

Our sightseeing guest is still with us, enjoying the ever-changing vistas of our exits.  Although I have not had a chance to speak with her personally, I hope she is not completely bored with how quiet the system has been the last few weeks.

An alt of mine has left nullsec, from a failed 'I want to experience what nullsec is like' phase.   The alt in question did not want to fly the ships that were standard fleet doctrine, and could nopt make most of the scheduled ops.   Therefore this alt will be joining faction warfare.  I'm sure FW will be far more interesting than nullsec, and I want to thank @eclipticrift over on twitter for the encouragement.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

new inventory system hurts...

Opening inventory at a pos is painful.  Everything that has a cargohold is listed, guns, etc, and it's giving my client fits right now.  I'm hoping they add to the filters so I can at least filter out the guns and starbase modules I don't use on a regular basis.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

faction warfare

The changes to faction warfare coming with Inferno are interesting, and much needed in my opinion.  I never tried faction warfare, as it seemed hazardous for little reward before.  But with Susan Black and Hans posts on things....I am sorely tempted to try it out.

Other than Miilla using our system as a grand tour through all of hisec, things have been quiet in the home system.  I exported quite a large amount of PI last time we were in amarr space - I did not have time to sell it but it waits there for a day when I need a quick cash injection.  I finally trained up Jhared to interplanetary consolidation 5, as I've been using electrolytes faster than I can harvest so will need to setup on the other gas giant to harvest more.

There are times I've been tempted to take down the medium pos, as it's a faction pos and those are hard to find.  Moving everything will, to be blunt, be a bitch.  Still since I've noticed on the forums that there are people (thanks to Miilla twisting Slade's words) who have taken an interest in taking both of our towers down, that replacing it with a nonfaction tower might be a good idea.

It's been pretty much just Slade and I in the hole anyway lately, and as we don't actively recruit, I worry that we may in fact get evicted - the fact that we have not run into major resistance or been evicted already is parts good luck, and my CEO's silver tongue.

We've been here for ....what 3 years now?  Seems a rather long time, I know we've gotten used to our system, decorated and planted a little garden, yet still are ever watchful.  I may start moving some of the high value items that are not often used back out to hisec, just in case. 

One thing that we need to decide on - we've never kicked anyone from corp for inactivity.  We have corpmates who have not logged in for well over a year, some are still in the wormhole - do we move the stuff in those hangers as well?  Do we start giving more rights to existing corpmates to allow everyone to live in the large pos - and do we still need both towers? 

In Eve, one of the maxims to live by is 'Trust no one'.  By doing so, and not recruiting we've been dwindling our numbers down, as well as activity.   I feel that something needs to change, if only a little bit.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Tests on Sisi

The new missile effects on Sisi are amazing, and the look of the new stealth bombers are quite nice as well.  My personal favorite is the new nemesis, with the mata ray look.

I urge everyone to do testing on Sisi to get used to the new inventory system if nothing else.  Those who forgo testing the new system will likely be lost for a bit when Inferno gets dumped on Tanquility.  It's quite different and easy to lose track of stuff.   I'm all for the change, as Eve is never static.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

news of an unwelcome visitor

Opened an corp mail from the ceo.  We've had a ghost loki hanging around for a bit, and finally have gotten a visual on it.  The appropriate name has been added to watchlists.

I suppose now that we've been lucky so far, and we can no longer count on keeping the statics closed without crashing them. 

Friday, April 27, 2012

tidi in hisec

The Sack of Jita got off to an early start, with nearly 2300 pilots in the system blowing up things on the 4-4 undock.  I took some pictures - from a safe distance of course.

At one point TiDi dropped all the way down to 10%, which made doing anything an exercise in patience, fortunately wormhole dwellers have that in spades.

Screenshots after the jump

Monday, April 16, 2012

clearing out some sites

So this morning attempting to login gets me the 'system is still loading' message. Wait 30 seconods, try again and I get this little gem:

We'll see if my tweet about it get any reactions, and I'm searching forums to see if others are having the same issue.

Had chance a couple days ago to do some sleeper killing with all statics closed and nothing incoming.   We had 7 combat anomolies, I chose to run the 3 Perimeter Hangers, which yielded 8 nanoribbons.

Here's the little piggy vacuuming up salvage:

Edit:  apparently the node was restarted for the issue, thanks to CCP Navigator for letting us know.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

fuel hauling

Todays exit is a mere 10 jumps from a market hub, pulled 300mil from the corp wallett to haul blocks back to the towers - we have over a month in each of them now.  With about 10k extra fuel it should tide us over till well after the Jita burning event.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

minerals, minerals, minerals!

With the recent spike in mineral prices I'm going to take a hard look at restarting my first profession in Eve - mining.

Next grav site we get I'll do my level best to strip out the high end ores before it despawns entirely.  With the appropriate Orca boost, we'll see how that goes.

Note to self - buy some booster fittings for the darn orca.

Monday, April 2, 2012

making the small iskies

6 nanoribbons from 2 Perimeter Hangers, not too bad.  Haven't been on too much but I refilled my factory planets and scanned out the new hisec out near Khanid.  Lutra is making a beeline to get back inside to scoop planet goop to sell.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

post-poacher cleanup

Got a text message from Lutra wanting me to salvage the radar site after he scared a poacher off.  He volleyed the drakes shields off but since he was 70k away didn't get a point on the guy.  5 nanoribbons from the salvage and Lutra cleaned up the loot.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

no real news

I've been out of the loop lately, but the corp did blow up the small tower someone had planted in system.

As far as the debacle surrounding Mittens....he made his apology and seems genuinely contrite.  Let him remain chairman and lead the CSM.   Mittens is only human after all, and humans are generally very good at making dumb mistakes.   He learned a lesson, and it should push him into being an even better chair than in CSM6.

Monday, March 19, 2012

missing the action, for once a good thing.

So apparently the system has been a hotbed of activity in the last couple days, 3 different pilots lost a ship to 3 different groups of hunters.

bestower (setup a small tower, have not seen anyone from the corp since)
badger badger + the pod (setup a medium tower, took it down after Harb asked him nicely)
shiny daredevil + the pod (ohh that was expensive)

We'll wait till the small tower runs out of fuel then take it down cause we're lazy like that.

To the rest, happy hunting!

Friday, March 16, 2012

system crashes

Comcast apparently dislikes me as I have had a string of crashes, likely due to router crap.  I'll drop connection anywhere between 30 seconds and 5 minutes.  I hesitate to do anything risky while this is happening, I'll have to be content doing PI for some sort of income till they get stuff fixed.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A bug fix causes sad panda

I find out today that entering a POS forcefield will now always decloak you, a very recent change.  Submitted a bug report and was told it was an intentional fix, as it was a bug for the past 3+ years that I have enjoyed using.  

It was nice while it lasted, I will need to make more safespots where I can idle cloaked semi-safely now.

I have had more client crashes lately as well, I've updated drivers, etc - I'm actually thinking it's caused by my ISP losing the route to the servers, as the website is down for me at the time of client crashes.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

CSM7 endorsements

This will actually be quite a bit shorter than I had originally planned, but here goes.

Candidates that have my full endorsement plus one of my votes:

Hans Jagerblitzen will be getting one of my votes.  Before I even knew who Hans was, I have grown to respect him for his posts on the forums.  Hans primarily operates in lowsec and highsec, with lowsec being his primary focus.   I know very little about lowsec or the issues involved but lowsec needs a strong candidate.  Hans is an advocate for small-gang and solo fighting styles, rather than blog mechanics.  He also admits that he knows little about wormholes and nullsec, and I respect him for not wanting to meddle in things he knows little about.  Hans is also an active highsec industrialist, which I have been dabbling in on a  lowimpact basis.  While I may not agree with everything he says, I believe it is important to vote for someone who will benefit all of EVE, not just my little corner.  I do know that Hans has been a strong contributer to CSM6, despite not having a seat.  Hans has my full endorsement for CSM7.

Mike Azariah will get my vote and full endorsement.   I have long enjoyed his blog, his ability to get people together towards a common goal, andit will be fun to have a strong roleplay candidate.

Trebor Daehdoow will be getting a vote and endorsement.  Trebor has been quite active in the forums along with Hans, and somehow I popped up on his radar, as he personally eve-mailed me in support of his campaign.

Two Step is a natural vote, being primarily a wormholer.  Two Step has been instrumental for bringing wormhole issues to the table, as well as defending wormhole mechanics from being attacked by those who have never lived in one.   I will be sending a vote his way, as well as giving him my full endorsement.

The following have my endorsement, sadly I lack the votes needed to include them in the list above.

Kelduum Revaan is the current CEO of Eve University, where I had an alt for a couple of years.  I do not agree with everything Kelduum says, but we need a strong candidate with experience bringing in and retaining new players.

Seleene has strong ideas for industry to make life less of a clickfest.  Some very good ideas, +1 endorsement.

I did not list everyone, but the above candidates have my endorsement.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012

Minor thoughts on Crucible

Just some minor things about the expansion from playing the last several weeks -

Corp bookmarks are a godsend.

I don't miss the api jumps missing from wormholes as much as I thought I would.

I've started reading more into the CSM this time around, and I did come across a very good post by Seleene -
He has some very good ideas on how to make industry less boring and more fun, I like it.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

a merry chase continues

Popping into the C1 greets me with 2 towers and 2 haulers, 1 anomaly.  Now if you recall I'm in a nemesis, this one fitted with a probe launcher fortunately.  I can bring the probe launcher online if I offline the target painter, which I do as the corps living here have nobody online apparently.  (Really, a small tower in wormhole space?  GLOBEX. is begging to have it popped)

Oh there are probes out now, and that helios is briefly visible.  The residents of C4c are still trying to catch me apparently.  Might as well scan out the exit while after he leaves.  5 signatures to sift through, one being the exit back to C4c.

2 piles of rock, and 3 other wormholes are revealed after tortuous scanning - Just remember kids, a probe launcher might save you from death, but it's really painful to use on a bomber.  Let's find out where these other exits lead.

Exit L1 leads to lowsec, I ignore it for the time being and head over to the static hisec at wormhole 2 to bookmark it.  Exit 3 leads to C2 space, I'll leave it be while I find my way back home.  Jumping out to hisec lands me in Isikemi, conveniently 3 jumps from Jita, if I wanted to haul fuel through several hostile systems.

I'll have to wake someone up to get me the hisec exit from the home system, I had it scanned down but not activated.  I was spit out into hisec a mere 4 jumps from the location of our previous hisec exit, a tad bit late as it collapsed several hours previous.

Being rather tired I decide to wait till the morning for the corp bookmakrs to get populated with the system connecting with home.

Notes of importance-
     Always have probes and a probe launcher if you head deeper into wormhole space
     Scanning in a non-bonused bomber sucks
     DaShmoo has ice cream, vanilla with chocolate syrup
     Eden's Knights of Malta gave a merry chase around the block
     GLOBEX.    Really?
     DaShmoo is out of whipped cream.  Sorry ladies you'll have to come back later.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Exploration, camping and a slippery noctis

I slip into the familiar electronic murmur of the proteus as I start today's exploration. The first 2 systems are boring, not many signatures and I keep heading deeper hoping for soft targets.

home -> c4a -> c4b -> c4c -> c1a

System C4c holds promise as dscan reveals a proteus, and 2 carriers running a site.  Swinging dscan around they are not at an anomaly, but going to the furthest planet showed a well-staffed tower with pilots in several ships including one scanning.  Oh dear.  I've narrowed them down, drop probes and bookmark the radar site while recalling probes.   Only then I notice the carriers and proteus have left the area.

 Warping to the bookmark shows the site as complete, but a pair of cloakies follows the incoming noctis.   Looks like they saw me after all.  I'm not eager to lose my proteus, so I run across the systems home to grab the bomber.

After jumping back into system with the bomber I hear the wormhole flare behind me and a helios blips into the system, belonging to the corp that lives here - well they really saw me now since the noctis just warped off without hacking the rest of the containers.

I head to a safe distance from the exit back home in time to see a welcome party of a dramiel show up - I know I'm no match for the fast little frigate, and I do believe they have another one stationed on the other side.   I have really no choice but to head to the static C1 I bookmarked earlier (bubbled of course) and see what is on the other side...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

neighbor moves out

Draco moved out.   He's not part of our corp, but a friend for a while.  The T3 gas prices have risen without the corresponding increase in reactant end products he was hoping for, so he moved out until the market stabilizes.

I have started reconfiguring my PI away from purely POS fuel into more profitable items, it's going to be a little bit until I figure out the best return for the planets we have with the minimum effort.  No need to make P1 materials anymore, everything is going into P2 or higher - currently the market for mechanical parts has been dropping enough that we will be making an effort to replace the remaining 3 customs offices this weekend.

On yet another note, I've managed to get 2 more people to try Eve, one of them has motion sickness but can tolerate the graphics of Eve, yay for me.

Monday, February 13, 2012

choosing the easy target

Woke up this morning in a bad mood, and that usually means someone gets podded.  Settling into the helm of my proteus I start my usual morning routine of popping around the system to check for interlopers - what is this?  A CNR and a heron on dscan along with some sleeper wrecks.  I narrow the location down to a single anomaly, a Ruins of the Enclave Cohort 27, and warp in at 100 to check on pilot names. 

Both pilots are from the same corp, and the names are similar enough that I think it's 1 guy dual boxing.  While a CNR would be an awesome addition to the killboard, I am still unsure of my ability to take one down solo, even with an astarte.  I head back to the pos to swap out for my bomber, waiting seemingly forever for the ships to load.  I head back as the heron start salvaging another wreck, the CNR warps out to start another site.

I lay in a tight orbit of the heron, decloak and gain point.  Shortly the heron pops, diorienting the pilot long enough for the pod to fall to my volley of torps.  Overkill perhaps but it got the job done.   Another corpse to add to my collection, I cloak up and wait to see what the CNR does.

The CNR bounces between anomalies for a while while I wait, then finally leaves.   Slade has logged in after the heron pops, if I had waited we could have double teamed the CNR, but I wanted a kill right away.  Oh well  I have to attempt to add a CNR to my kill list eventually.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Just a quick update - not a whole lot happening lately, as it has been rather quiet in our neck of the woods.  Slade nabbed a drake running the sites, turns that either the drake had backup or we had an opportunist in a bomber get in on the kill.

Added Slade as an author to the blog, he will be able to post things from a different perspective.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Saturday went into Chicago and hung out with the rest of the TEMT crowd.

Yesterday saw 2 drakes running a site, first one popped after far too much time, all the while the sleepers and his buddy hitting me set me on fire near the end.  Second one was 40k away when the first one died, never bothered to warp out with the end result.  Props to Frank for getting his first wh kill, and saving my bacon after I was on fire by jamming the 2nd drake.

Strangely I capped out and lost point for a few seconds and they never managed to warp off.  Note to self - invest in navy cap boosters so I don't run out near the end of a fight.

At least this time I remembered I can overheat stuff.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

despawning sites

I completely forgot since the patch that a site will despawn if no uncloaked ships sits there.  Had a corpie start a radar site and of course he's green enough that he is unable to finish it.   So I warp Isha over cloaked of course and plop her down at 150k from the warpin.  Isha is happily watching the sleepers circle around aimlessly and before I can log Jhared in the site goes poof.


I will have to ask people to not start sites unless they can finish them.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Fuel blocks and more

The fuel block switchover happened this morning, fortunately both our towers had no issues staying up.  The neighbors in the C4 also kept the towers online.   Congrats to everyone that found offline loot pinatas.

Going to wait a week, then convert the rest of the legacy fuels over to fuel blocks.  I also need a spreadsheet put together for T3 production, so I know what materials I need to purchase off market.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

poachers again

Slade called out poachers in system, 3 drakes, myrmidon and a noctis for salvaging...hmmm.  Warped to the anomaly they had just cleared and bookmarked a wreck that was close to the noctis.  I slowboated out to 150k as the 3 drakes and myrm headed to the next anomaly.  Fortunately the noctis wasn't moving which nabbed this kill.  Looted and shot the wreck before his buddies could come back, but they all ran out to hisec.

7 nanoribbons, plus I salvaged the remaining 4 wrecks which netted 2 more, a nice little haul from a single site - and I got to pew pew as well.

boring neighbors

We have yet another incoming C2 connection that I resolve once the old k162 pops.  Entering the connections reveals signs of past battles, as there are 2 warp disruption bubbles on dscan.  The inner system is clear, so after dropping probes I head to the only planet out of dscan range, and the tower hiding there.

A blanket scan with probes reveals a very messy system, and as the two pilots in the tower are seemingly afk, I get to work.  All but two signatures are able to be resolved without probes showing up on dscan of the tower, the last two being done quickly despite the continued inactivity of the tower residents. 6 ladar, 2 grav sites, 2 magnometric sites, and 3 additional wormholes.  That doesn't even mention the 12 combat anomalies in here.

After helpfully activating the sites in this messy system I check out the wormholes, 2 C1 connections, the static hisec which is eol, and the exit back home of course.   I dive into C1a, which reveals an even messier system.  I count 26 separate signatures, and almost 30 combat anomalies.   Obviously the 12 towers setup in here are for reaction purposes and dotlan reveals no activity for the past couple days.  I head back into the C2 and jump into C1b, which only has 2 towers, but is still messy with 14 signatures and 12 combat anomalies. 

And of course the only ships on dscan are sitting at the tower unpiloted.   By now the connection between the C2 and home system has gone end of life, so I head back and settle in for the night.

Friday, January 20, 2012

missing a kill....again

Couple nights ago we had a drake in system who ran a few sites, as I had just gotten home I didn't have any current bookmarks.  Later he came back in a  noctis to salvage that we also missed due to being afk (doh).

This morning I woke up to a tengu running sites, I was unable to pin him down before he ran off, and his salvage cane friend slipped away just before I was able to get point on him.   Since they were still in system I started blowing the wrecks on them, if you run our sites we'll deny you the salvage.

So I get down to scanning and we have 3 inbound wormholes,and since I'm the only one online I can't collapse them safely.  Time to log and get breakfast.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

new clone unlocked

Jhared has passed the 54 million skillpoints mark, and as such I have upgraded my clone to grade Rho.  Not much news other than that - non-eve life has been busy lately and taken my attention away from the important internet spaceships business.

Monday, January 9, 2012

I can see why structure shoots are considered one of the most boring parts of Eve.  It took Slade and I just over 2 hours to kill that Interbus customs office.  In fact I fell asleep near the end of it.  Fortunately putting up the replacement took under a minute.

Today's hisec exit comes out a mere 6 jumps from Jita, however it's late, and taking the haulers out when you're tired usually means something bad happens.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

anomolies in full bloom

Logged in this morning, did my usual scanning down of the new exits but did not activate them.  Checked combat anomolies and had 12 spawn overnight, so I get to work clearing a path through the clutter.  A few of the anoms looked half finished, likely due to our newest member being unable to tank the combined might of 2 sleeper battleships.

Sites run in 2 hours included, 5 Perimeter Hangers, 2 Data Santuarys, and 1 Ruins of enclave.  I know you're asking about the salvage, right?  For all those sites I managed a paltry 4 nanoribbons - no wonder nanoribbons are shooting up in Jita.

We'll be blowing up another Interbus office today.  Despite doing 300 less dps than my megathron, I'm going to use the oracle again because I can afk it, as long as we keep the exits closed and no new connections form.   I may ask Roudin to keep an eye out while we do the slog through the office shields.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The start of Interbus office takedowns

We blew up the first Interbus customs office a few days ago to put up our own.  A very long, boring affair with just two of us, me in an Oracle and Slade in a Megathron.  Of course I had the coffee wench on scanning duty for incoming wormholes, as we decided to keep the statics closed for the duration of the op.

2 hours or so until it finally blew.  Fortunately putting up our own office took less than a minute.

I'm not looking forward to the next 5 offices we need to take down.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

mouseripper gets all torn up

Noticed scan probes floating around the system, and the hunt started.  The pilot was obviously still learning, as he had tossed out 3 flights of 6 probes over the course an 2 hours trying to pin down our mag site, I was even able to see him when he dropped the third set 200k from the sun.  I decided to wait and see if he brought anything bigger than a helios in after he left the hisec exit.

Minutes later, the wormhole flared to announce his arrival in a drake.  I followed him to our mag site, and sent a txt to Slade, as I feared I would not be able to finish him with my proteus - only 4 guns and fit for probing/cloaking.   Slade logged in, and when I was 3000 meters off the drake I decloaked and pointed him.   He shortly melted when Slade warped in to our combined damage.

Afterwards we exchanges a few emails where I gave him a few tips, including setting up dscan to look for active POS towers in system.