Friday, December 16, 2011

quick market trip

Took advantage of an exit near a trade hub to unload some loot - several piles of fullerene gas, tags, and 700mil in nanoribbons.  I used this opportunity to grab 2 full loads of heavy water and liquid ozone to tide us over until the fuel block switchover. (apparently it was delayed due to millions of tower dying horrible deaths when they tested it). 

I also brought in components to build 2 customs office gantries, and purchased an oracle to help take down the existing Interbus customs offices.  I dare say I like to lines of both the oracle and the talos.

We will wait until a convenient exit opens up so we can manufacture the gantries before we blow the old ones up.

Our friend R is still on track to gathering the initial materials for a polymer reaction tower, having someone with an alliance backing them could be a change of pace in our little system, as we will have batphone access in case of emergency.

R expects to make almost 2 billion isk a month profit running reactions fulltime, however from the volume of materials needed to be snuck into the wormhole, logistics could get tricky, especially if someone notices movement of valuable materils.

The removal of jump api info has had less of an impact than I initially feared, that or I'm getting reckless and not hiding cloaked in the tower unless I know both exits are clear.

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