Monday, November 28, 2011

One line noticed

This caught my eye perusing the patch notes for tomorrow -

  • The Jumps API no longer shows jumps into wormhole space.

Now this, will make intelligence gathering more difficult if it means what I think it does.  Since the first thing I do when exploring someone else's wormhole system is pull up dotlan and wormnav to check activity levels, including jumps.  Checking jumps in system is also a vital tool we use to catch poachers when we are busy with doing things out of Eve, as pulling dotlan up on your phone is a simple way to make sure things stay quiet.

I suspect this will make wormholes that much more dangerous to intruders and residents alike, as it will be harder to gauge activity levels and hours of operation.

Perhaps popping out a probe on the hour every hour to check for new wormhole signatures will become the norm?  The unfortunate thing is people transiting through the wormhole without poaching any sites will possibly remain unknown to us, diminishing the change of nabbing a target.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

By now the grav sites have all despawned, this morning brings a bevy of goodies, 2 incoming C2 connections, 1 hisec incoming, and the usual outgoing C4 and hisec.  Slade killed a myrmidon belonging to one of the C2 inhabitants running a site in our hole - I guess it's more fun to poach sites in someone else's hole rather than clear them in your own.

In case you come across them, J125927 has several small towers waiting to be plundered.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Nothing new at home today, other than those 4 grav sites that refuse to despawn.  Our fearless leader did catch a pair in one of the sites mining, a covetor and myrmidon attempting to shoot up the sleeper spawn.  He actually though the myrmidon might put up some resistance but nope.

We are keeping the exits closed for now.  Once the expansion hits we will be taking advantage of the reduced reanchoring times on POS modules to swap the tower from Gallente to Minmitar - the continued interdiction against oxytopes has caused the prices to rise over 300% over the past 2 months, and there is no telling how long the Goons will be able to maintain it - we know most Goonswarm pilots have a touch of ADD, but then, so do I.

I am looking forward to the next hulkageddon, those tend to drive some amount of hisec miners into the 'safe' confines of wormholes, which I can then take advantage of.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


So I wake up to find wrecks on dscan and 3 drakes.  I can't solo 3 drakes and I'm the only one on so I visit the sites they are running, make the appropriate wreck bookmarks, then sit in a safespot for the inevitable noctis to trundle in.

However no noctis shows up, and apparently they are only taking the sleeper tags?  Oh well might as well salvage - bring out the salvage dessie and start salvaging the first site while they are still (very slowly) going through the second.  Keeping watch on dscan for them at a distance short enough to let me know they are incoming, however I salvage the first site without interruption.

I visit site number two with my bomber to witness them taking the last of the tags and warping off, only to drop scan probes at the astonishing rate of 1 every minute.  They must be returning players - but they still aren't salvaging.  Salvage the second site with a close watch on dscan, and they leave.  Did they finally see me on dscan I wonder, and is a lone dessie enough to scare 3 drakes away...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

We've lived here for over 2 years now, in this comfy little C2 system outside of known space.  I was but 4 weeks a pilot when my new corp pulled me into our first home, a class 1 wormhole system.

After a while we decided to move into a C2, and have lived a spartan but comfortable time there.  We have made friends, and a few enemies, and have had other corporations move in and eventually leave.

These are the stories of a bunch of slackers.